Social Media Training

You have been invited to our social media training. Let's learn together how we can reach, engage and connect the seeker through social media!

Social Media Training

Social Media Training

33 students
Course categories: All courses
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Social Media Training
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Course description

Jesus went where the people were. He traveled many miles with His disciples to teach, inspire, heal and connect with people. How amazing that nowadays we have access to almost all parts of the world through the worldwide web.  Research shows that people spend an average of 4 (!) hours on social media EVERYDAY. How incredible would it be if a part of time is spend getting to know God and the message He has for them? 

Our dream at Jesus net is for every single person to have free access to the Gospel to know God,  to grow in Jesus, and to share their faith easily. If you share this dream, then we are here to support you in your mission. Because social media is an important part of reaching seekers online, we have created this training to teach you how to reach, engage and connect the seeker. In this training you will learn how to:

  • Define your target audience
  • Analyze data
  • Do market research
  • Hack the algorithm
  • Apply Social media trends
  • Design/branding tricks
  • Run Social ads and more! 

During the training, you'll have three incredible teachers who will share their expertise with you and are here to support you. We'll learn from:

Avin Wong - Digital marketing manager / Leads the global digital marketing team of jesus net. He has worked with many agencies over the years in data analytical, multi media campaigns and social advertising. Next to his marketing skills, he is also working on reaching more people with the gospel in Asia by connecting partners. 

Daryl Tanalepy - Branding manager / Has a background in graphic design, lots of experience in social media content creation and is our chief branding within Jesus net. He also has a passion to reach those who are unreached with the Gospel and specializes in the access phase.

Charlotte Caspers - Social media manager & Course coordinator / Is responsible for all social media channels (strategy and content creation) from jesus net and part of the digital marketing team. She is passionate about using online strategy for the Kingdom, has a background in communication and media science, and experience in helping many organisations reach people with their message online.

To make the training successful for yourself and for the rest of us, we ask that you will do the homework provided by us and that you will attend these meetings. We have invested our time in teaching you, so we ask that you will do the same. We are in this together! We know that this is a time commitment. 

On behalf of the training team we want to thank you for investing this time so you can learn how to better reach those who need to hear God's message.

Course content

Why social media?
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Reach the seeker
Lesson 1: Find your why
Let's get to work: what is God's dream for your social media?
Lesson 2: Who is the seeker? (incl. pre-assessment)
Let's get on the same wavelength
The Persona
Building your persona
Question Box, Spiritual Needs & Resources
Misconceptions of persona's
Persona's & Social Media
Lesson 3: Data is the voice of the seeker
Pre-lesson assessment on data
Understand how to access data
How to access insights data on Facebook Page
How to access insights data on Meta Business Suite
How to access insights data through Facebook Ads Library
How to access insights data through Google Analytics
Understanding our audience better
How to do keyword research on Google Analytics
How to find Facebook top fans and what they follow
How to carry out audience research using 3rd party tool, i.e.
Lesson 4: Learn from others (market research)
What is market research?
How to do market research
Start your own market research
Engage the seeker
Lesson 5: The Importance of Branding (incl. pre-assessment)
What is branding?
4 Design Principles
Multimedial Branding
Lesson 6: How to boost the algorithm?
How to reach your audience?
How do we become visible?
How can people find you?
Do you stand out in the crowd?
Retraining the algorithm
How to engage your audience
How do you start a conversation?
How to join the conversation?
Nurturing a relationship
Let's boost your algorithm!
Connect the seeker
Lesson 7: How to help your audience make the next step
How to connect your audience
Help them make the next step
How to write a good call to action
Clear and accessible link
How to use ads on social media
Social media ads: Defining ad objective
Social media ads: Defining audience
Social media ads: Defining key metrics
Social media ads: Ads creative
Social media ads: Checking ad results
Social media ads: How to create UTM tracking links
Lesson 8: How to measure success on socials?
How to measure success on social ads
Social media AB Test
How to measure organic success on social media?
Let's wrap this up!

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